Mallory Rat
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Mallory Rat



Rat Paws This recipe is called Stuffed potatoes Rat Paws
It's a Healthy Snack
Making this is Easy
Read Mallory's Blog
You will need 1 Large potato
Spring onion
What to do 1. Wash the potato and cut in half along its longest axis.

2. Place both halves in a microwave and cook for about 8 minutes until the potato flesh is soft and cooked.

3. remove from the microwave and using a spoon, carefully remove the middle of each potato leaving the skin empty.

4. Place the scooped out potato in a bowl and mash well with a blender or a fork.

5. Cut the onion and cheese into small pieces and add to the mashed potato.

6. Carefully spoon the potato back into the potato skins.

7. Place the half potatoes under the grill and cook until the top is brown and crusty (about 10 to 15 minutes)

Can be eaten on their own or with a salad.
This is traditional food in United Kingdom

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